I'm a PEOPLE person and I get STUFF done . . .
To clarify, I'm a User Experience Designer with an extensive background in Project and People Management. I’m a great listener and a keen storyteller, and I take pride in delivering end-to-end digital products that seamlessly meet both business requirements and user needs.
UX case study overviews
UX/UI Designer
PM Project overviews

Client: Vodafone Foundation
My Role: Project Manager
- Managed an internal team, focusing on reconfiguring data storage systems for the 'Dreamlab' mobile app
- Oversaw the delivery of ongoing enhancements responding to user feedback loops.
- Produced reports on budget, schedule, scope, risks, and issues.
- Coordinating communication across multiple time zones with international stakeholders.
- Successfully reduced monthly expenses through reconfigured data storage systems.
- Enhanced user experience by aligning with user expectations and business needs.
- Ensured transparent project progress and secured necessary approvals through comprehensive reporting and governance.
Project Manager

Client: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
My Role: Project Manager
- Led a team to optimise the MyCPD app by implementing enhancements and providing ongoing support.

- Conducted weekly client meetings and produced fortnightly progress reports.

- Managed bug and issue triaging.
- Managed the mobile app deployment process.
- Managing support budget and resources effectively.

- Facilitating technical design workshops and ensuring they result in actionable plans.
- Improved the customer experience for the app through implemented enhancements

- Developed effective solutions and proposals for future improvements through collaboration with the client and stakeholders.
Project Manager

Client: Emergency Management Victoria
My Role: Project Manager
- Led a development team through an accessibility audit of the emergency warnings mobile app conducted by Vision Australia.
- Built a strong rapport with the Product Owner, collaborating to create and present demonstrations to upper management, securing approval for further development.
- Ensuring comprehensive understanding and integration of both front-end interface and back-end technologies, including MapLibre, real-time warning data, APIs, and hard-coded data
- Successfully met WCAG 'AA' accessibility standards without compromising the app's design and functionality.
- Won SILVER at the Better Future GOV
Design Awards 2023
Project Manager